Wednesday, December 26, 2007
ours was really amazing, a great day, lots of people all day.... I even got to see some family that i hadn't seen i a really long time so it was so much fun and then about 25 for supper..... WOW! It was so much fun though.... at about 11 I tiptoed up to bed and left a few men still sitting around the table playing rook and believe me I wasn't missed! Anyway It was my turn thiw week to do a technique at OLW and for some reason over there it didn't post all the pics, mind you blogger isn't really liking it eather and posted them in the wrong order but I will #them so that you all know which order to do them in!
This is what your tag will look like after you have done the transfer so this first pic is # 5
This is #4 using your bone folder.... 'burnish' your image down really well
This is #3 paint on your gell medium and then get ready to transfer your image
This is #2, lay your printed picture face down and smooth it over with your hands using very firm pressure
This is #1, the supplies you need to do these great transfers... the gell medium, i got mine at Michaels, a bone folder, a tag or something to transfer your picture on to and of course your picture... You can use a picture right from your ink jet printer just remeber to print it out on regular computer paper.... i have done this with words and images and it works really great.... oh and one more thing after you have got your image on to your tag and pressed it down really firmly wait for about 10 or 20 seconds before lifting the image off!
These are two tags that i did using this method and they worked great! Have a great day ladies and an awesome week! Remember the next word is up at OLW next Wednesday!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Hey everyone hope you are all having a great week.... it is flying by and i can hardly believe that Christamas is on Tuesday..... where does the time go???? I just wanted to send out a MERY CHRISTMAS to each and everyone of you and i hope that 2008 will be the best year ever.... Remember to enjoy the moments over the holidays, take lots of pictures.... make sure to get the little twinkle in your little one's eyes when they look at everything in wonder.... I will be sending out some info next week about upcoming classes and all that good stuff but for now just sit back and enjoy the holidays!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
k so first things first, this is who I am going to see tomorrow night! Totally excited so hopefully he is as good as he looks!
Next is..... the layout for one little word
It was my turn this week to pick the word.... HOPE is it! With Manda and Cody getting married this past summer i couldn't help but think of how hopeful they are.... for the future, for the new baby, for an awesome life together! What does HOPE mean to you? Go Check it out and make sure to link your layouts up by next wednesday! (p.s. For those of you that live in Calgary or around here, the letters I used are Tim Holtz Grungeboard alphabet, right now the "Scrapyard" has it and it is totally awesome! It won't last so go get some!)
And the third thing for today is to check TIM'S new blog out! He is truly so inspirational.... you will be inspired all over again!
have a great rest of your week everyone!
Friday, December 07, 2007
Well here we are.....
into the second week in December..... I don't know where this month is going but it is going fast! Life has been so busy that it is hard to think straight sometimes, I am sure we are all in the same boat! I finished up my last class of the year last night so now I have a few weeks off to catch my breath! With Christmas fast approaching I hope everyone just enjoys the time with family and friends!
Here is one of the new packages for sale....
one of the highlites of the week was I finally got to meet up with my blogger gals and members of OLW! What a thrill and the are both as awesome as i knew they would be... it was awesome just to meet up and it seemed like we had known each other forever... If you have never checked out their blogs you better get over there... they have lots to share.... Ronda and Jessi, thanks to both of you for making the effort to get together it was awesome to finally meet you both!
Ronda and her awesome new mitts!
one more thing.... if you haven't checked out OLW lately, go check out what Amber is up to, you have until tonight to get your layouts in....
Have a great weekend everyone and I will see you next week!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
our new word is up at OLW so make sure you go and check it out... this week was Ambers word and it is awesome, lots you can do with this one and one of our sponsors is papier valise, she has the coolest vintage finds i have seen in a long time so check it out and get your layout in there.....
Here is what I did with the word "LIVE" this week:
"Live today like there is no tomorrow"
and this is the new layout package for sale.... love to see the kids happily creating and Shalaina had so much fun making this cute little tree... if you want to see how beautiful they are check it out here....
Thanks for all the fabulous comments on my last p ost and of course for all the good wishes I know we will have so much fun with a new baby around here....Have a great weekend everyone!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
I'm........................................ not pregnant...............but I AM going to be a Grandma! Like how weird is that? It wasn't very long ago that I was sharing the news that I was prego... as Tannis would say in a state of Knockedupedness with all my family and friends and now it is my daughter going through the same experience! Wow.... time has a way of creeping in and having the years go by fast.... so now my next question for you all is how about coming up with a name for me? and by that I don't mean a nasty name although I am sure there are times! lol I am not sure about the whole Granny thing or even Grandma for that matter( well maybe by July I will look like a Grandma!) anyways lets come up with a 'cool' name and i will send a R.A.K to the one that is chosen! How does that sound? Anyway for all you ladies that couldn't attend my Fall Festival a great time was had by all.... lots of fun and laughing and great times with friends.... stay tuned for the Spring Thing! I just wanted to post a couple of new layout:
I have kits left for both of these layouts, so let me know if you are interested!For those of you waiting for the class layout for the 29th I am hoping to have it posted by the end of the week! I have been taking a couple of days to hang out and relax so I hope to have it posted right away! Thanks to everyone that made Fall festival so much fun! Talk to you all soon!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
of the "firsts' and the "lasts"....
so after reading this blog
i got thinking about a couple of things and just how fast time flies... before you know it Life changes.... instead of little kids running around the house and getting the walls dirty with their sweet little fingerprints, you have big teenagers bringing their friends over and hanging out! Like where do those sweet days go? So glad for scrapping that you can go back and check all those great memories out! after reading Karens blog I too thought about "last times." Like the last time your boys will kiss you, becuse that is so not cool... and the last time the kids will hold your hand...just cause you don't do that in public...or the last time someone called you "mommy" Even thinking about changes and how i have a daughter thats married and of course a new son in law, like what? Honestly where do the days go? Make the most of oppurtunities now while we can.... Tuck your little munchkin in tonight instead of just sending them to bed... don't forget to tell that special someone that you love them... make the most of all these sweet oppurtunites because honestly if someone had told me how fast all this would go I would never have believed them.....
tomorrow the new word comes out for OLW make sure to check it out...
Lynnone of the new package layouts for sale... " I loved her first"
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
the packages are all $23..00 unless otherwise posted...
and here is the layout for the Fall Festival....
I promise to send everyone the info on or before the weekend so that everyone knows picture sizes and other things that you might like to bring! We will be going all day with a few little breaks in between so make sure you have you stuff all organized so that you can get lots done! There is some great classes coming up so if you aren't already on my e-mail list send me a quick e-mail and I will add you on there so that you can be updated....
Hope everyone has a great rest of your week, for those that are in the class tomorrow night.... see you all then!
ps make sure you check out OLW to see the cute technique that Gigi put up there and also don't forget your "delight" layouts are all due by Friday night!
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Listen to your Heart...
Happy Saturday everyone! Just wanted to post the layout for Thursday nights class...
What's everyone up to today? I have had a fairly relaxed day so thats good.... a little shopping this morning with the girls so now I thought I would get a little scrappin done! I know I promised you all that I would have the Fall Festival layout done by yesterday but it was one of those days so I really promise this time to have it done by Monday or Tuesday.... I am not sure about everyone else but lately the days have just been flying we are down to how many weeks until Christmas? Crazy! I would still like to be at the lake.....soon enough I hope...this winter hasn't even started and I am wishing it away.... Anyway not much else right now, have an awesome rest of your weekend and I will talk to you all next week!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Delight! Cool word huh!!!! although I have to admit I had a bit of a struggle with this word....anyways it all came together AND because I don't listen to instructions very well I did TWO layouts! yep! Cool huh! anyways the little message that I got out of this whole not listening very well, (maybe it was selective If you need added stress to your life.... DON'T LISTEN! Oh well it is all good! We were able to play with some Fontwerks stuff this week, lots of fun! They have some amazing stamps! I really love them! I can't believe how excited I get when those packages come in the mail! It is like Christmas, I love it!
Make sure you go over to OLW and see what everyone came up with! I you haven't already participated... whatcha waiting for it is so much fun! Just make sure you link your layouts so that we can see them and you could win some cool stuff!
The Fall Festival only has a few spots left so if you are interested let me know! The date is November 17th from 10 - 10.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone, enjoy your night and remember to take lots of great pics!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
This past week over at one little word we were all sent kits from label tulip
since Jessi and I didn't get our kits quite on time we wanted to make sure and create a little something using this great kit! make sure you go and check out their kits... there is some pretty cool stuff.... speaking of which today jessi has her technique up at one little word so make sure you and check that out too!
I have started to prepare for the upcoming FALL FESTIVAL out at HERITAGE POINT.... it will be on November 17. This is an all day Saturday event from 10 - 10.... the cost is $90.00 and includes a layout, a light lunch, and supper..... plus a whole day of scrappin and mingling with your friends! SOunds like fun heh? no kids no hubbie just your gal pals and scrappin all day long! I do have a few spots left if you are interested and for those of you already signed up I will be sending out an e-mail in the next couple days to give you a bit more info.... the layout is almost complete.... I know you will all love it! Have a great Wednesday everyone!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
edit: blogger let me upload the layout finally! Enjoy!
Already over at one little word we are on word #12! Hard to believe.... Jessi picked this weeks word and you will all have to go over there to see the layouts since Blogger won't let me put on a picture today! The layouts and stuff over there ae amazing.... There is so much talent out there! For me this weeks word was perfect because I really believe with all my heart that if we BELIEVE we really can accomplish anything! How is everyones week going? Mine is flying by as usual but its all good! Getting ready for the class tomorrow night and getting organized for the Fall Festival, which byt the way there are still spots left...As it sits right now I am still not sure if there will be enough to run it so if anyone is interested let me know! On another note I Got Bon Jovi tickets... floor seats I am totally excited! Can't wait!
I am working on some great layouts and stuff right now so hope to post those soon! Hope everyone has a great week!
Friday, October 12, 2007
I have hardly accomplished anything this week.... well except this great layout for the class on Thursday! There might still be room in the class on the 25th if you say PLEASE! Totally kidding I would never do that! There were a few of you that asked about my findings at the paper source store in Seattle.... very cool store for the nice big sheets of paper but of course I only brought4 pieces home.... the good news we can order from there so we will have to go on their website! So..... that is my scrappin news..... for now..... on another note.... Tickets for Bon Jovi go on sale tomorrow and from what I have heard he is awesome so check it out! For those of you still contemplating fall festival (which by the way is a great deal.... i even cook for you! well maybe my mom ill or maybe not!) there is a few spots left if you are interested! Talk to everyone next week and have a great weekend! Don't forget that today is the deadline for one little word and also the new word comes out next week!
i'm out.....
Friday, October 05, 2007
A NEW WORD UP........
The new word is up over at one little word so make sure you go check it out! Participate in it too it is lots of fun....If you need any instructions on how to do it let me know and I will TRY to help you! This is what I came up with....
DAYS GONE BY......Where does it go, it's gone...
Debbie and I arrived back from Seattle on Thursday night..... talk about SHOP until you DROP, now I know what the term really means.... Lots of fun though! Although I was pretty excited to see Rob and the kids last night! We stayed with Deb's sister and brother in law and their brand new baby Spencer, what a doll! We got to spoil him rotten, and I loved every minute of it! I think I could adjust to being a Grandma quite maybe not quite yet but soon.... I included some more pics highlighting our week! Lots of fun memories!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Hey Everyone I am off to Seattle for a week with my friend Debbie.... Leaving tomorrow and returning next Thursday! A week of no kids..... no hubbie..... no computer.... no homework..... no nothing! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm this sounds like it might be kind of easy to get used to! lol No really I am not sure whether to laugh or cry but for now I am just going to go and enjoy my days there, shopping, coffee shops and hangin out with Deb! Make sure that you get your layouts done before Friday for one little word and then the new word comes out next Wednesday! Have an awesome week everyone...................
i'm out!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
What???? ok so where does the time go? I'ts just gone, no other explanation for it! Here it is the 19th of September it is 5 degrees outside.... the leaves on the trees are all yellow, the grass is getting a little bit crispy and winter is almost here.... I know it is a VERY bleak picture..... but it is a great itme of the year to scrapbook and if anyone has been over to one little word this morning you will find the new word..... PERFECT! Whats perfect right now, like today in your life? Go check it out and link your layouts the the site so that we can check them out and who knows you might win some great prizes! Here is what I came up with:
so we wnt to the Keith Urban concert last night... like wow! He is awesome and he KNOWS how to entertain the crowd! He definetly wouldn't be hard to wake up to in the morning.... wait oh yea I am married and so is he..... nothing wrong with checkin him out though...... HOT! It really was a great concert and I finally got to meet up with some of my blogger gal pals..... Tannis, Renee, Stacy, and Jeanette.... It was so awesome to finally meet up with them! I will post a picture later cause I don't have it yet! Thanks girls for making it happen!
On another note I have another new layout for sale: (the boy one is sold out!)Have a great day everyone, stay warm..... get lots of scrappin done cause it is definately a scrappin kind of day and don't forget to check out one little word!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I know.... put your tongues back in your mouths......hmmmmmmmm lets see what else can i share with you girls today???? Make sure you check out one little word tomorrow for the new word. There are one or two spots in the classes left.... I am hoping to get the schedule done for October in the next couple of days because I am going away next week...... I will be back though tomorrow morning I will let you all know how fantastic Mr. hottie himself was.... Have a great day everyone!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Jennifer in Iowa.... send me your addy and I will send you a little package! Easy peazy!!!! See girls all you have to do is leave a comment and you get a little goody box if I pick your name!
send it to Wooooohoooooo! The next thing is:
The September layout:
Come and make this great little layout, it has an envelope so that you can store all those yearly memories! So for those of you signed up I will send you all the particulars tomorrow!The next thing is the new layout for sale:
the cost is $23.00 for this layout and you get everything you see on the page! (except the picture) sorry girls I know he is cute but you can't have the picture! I only have few available cause thats all the paper I could get so let me know if you are interested! Total boy layout, but i am itching to do a very flowery feminine page so that is coming next... also don't forget that the NEW word comes out On Wednesday for one little word and I pick the word, it's a gooder so make sure you check that out! Talk to you all soon!
Hey everyone.... hope you are all having a good week so far! The sun is shining this morning so thats a good thing! Just a real quick post for now I have a zillion things to do today.... I will post the R.A.K winner later on today probably this evening as well as a new layout package for sale and the September layout! Have a great day everyone and I will talk to you all later...
ps has everyone been over to one little word? Amber has done it again, the cutest layout ever! Go over and check it out and remember your "pure" layouts are due by Friday!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
There is one spot left in the class on Septembeder 25th so if you are interested let me know... I will post the layout sometime next week as well! Enjoy these last sunny warm days everyone!
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
no excuses again other than just being busy! I can hardly believe that today is BACK TO SCHOOL! Where has summer gone? I Love this time of year and don't like it all at the same how does that work? For all of us though it is the end of the warm lazy summer days, into a routine.... I am not very food at routines especially getting everyone up in the morning! Anyway thats life back to reality! I hope everyone had a great summer! Don't forget about the September 20th class... it will be a back to school layout and I might add another class.... the following Tuesday, Let me know if anyone is interested in tha class! Don't forget to check out one little word tomorrow for the NEW word. This is all for today ladies, but check back tomorrow! Have a great day!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Cole: Mom you should really come golfing with Cody and me on Thursday.
Lynn: I am really not in to golfing.... i don't think so.
Cole: Come mom you would really like it!
Lynn: No I don't want to but I will take you boys.
Cole: We really just need you there to rent the cart and drive for us!
Cole: Pleeeeeeeeeeeease! you will love it!
So it is really nice to know that they really didn't want me to golf just to drive the cart! Gotta love BOYS!
on another note for those of you that haven't checked out 'one little word' to see what the new word is.... you better get over there! There is so much talent out there, WOW!
Here is my layout for the challenge this week...
I also wanted to share a couple of pictures for you all...
I am hoping to have a class schedule worked out here soon.... not sure on dates yet though! Enjoy your day everyone!