Thursday, April 08, 2010

Remember when....
thirty seemed so old.... now looking back it's just a stepping stone.....(lyrics from Alan Jacksons Remember when song.)
where does it go? the days, the months, the years? okay I had a birthday last week.... I decided that I am not getting any older than 29... is that okay with everyone? good, I thought
On a serious note though I remember sitting in my cute little house....( i thought it was cute!)21 years hubbie having a surprise party for me... i think I was pregnant with Shawn by that time, not sure if I knew it yet though....and thinking I was so old......NOT!!!!!!!!!!! ps just for the record my mom bought me a microwave for that birthday! lol so funny looking back and thinking i was old.... now here i am.... 15 years later.... okay not really......23 years later.... just forget about that number though okay? it will be our little secret..... shhhhhhhhhh.....okay smarten up Lynn.....

Here is the layout for next week.... cute heh? Those cute little pics.... gotta love those things.....
Not that I am really in to pics of myself although I do think it is important just in case..... Sharla took this picture..... she is good isn't she!......:)
my sweet little Shalaina... well 13 year old Shalaina... so yea attitude and all the good things that go along with the whole 13 year old.... but you get where I am going with this....
and of course our cute little sweetie that is walkin by the way... i know how cute is that? it is so cute when he follows Cole and Shay down the hall..... oh and Shar..... (she is sitting beside me so I have to include her! lol) Anyways hopefully everyone has a fabulous weekend!



Cody, Amanda, Kade and Kianna said...

Great pics the one of you. Man you are cute...:) oh and the rest of them are adorable too..

Colleen said...

Thank you for sharing the wonderful song of remember when by A.Jackson ! sat and cried looking at old pictures of my kids and family ! loved the moments and memories of remembering when........Just a reminder of what truly is important. Thanks for the reminder ! I turn 40 this year ! oh, i mean 29 too !!! ha ha and have been married 19 wonderful years to my best friend !
Enjoyed your blog - I needed it !

Marit said...

~You look like a cute and beautiful 29 year old Lynn!!! much better then I did at that age... teeheee... let's say I'm over 30. and OLD!!! Enjoy your amazing and marvelous family... I always love to look at the pics!!!