It's Monday?????
K so apparently the weekend is gone!!!! just kidding but it sure did fly by.... we had Mandas shower on Saturday that was totally awesome! Loved it! I will post some pics soon! It was supposed to be a surprise but when she walked in the door she told Sharla and me that we aren't very good liars! Not sure if that was intended as a compliment or not.... lol anyways we tried and it was lots of fun! The only downfall about the whole thing was I bought a chocolate fountain because I thought it would be so cool and IT didn't work so If anyone knows anything about chocolate fountains and the secret to making them work let me know! I hope you all make sure to check out one little word for the winner for the word "MY" and also check out the cool slide show that Jessi did! It is awesome! Also make sure to check back on Wednesday to see what the next word is! For today I will leave you some pictures from my mom and dads yeserday out in Vulcan... it was lots of fun! The boys all went golfing and the girls just hung out and visited!

this is it for today ladies, see you wednesday!