I guess I can share my news now.......since most of you know anyways....lol
I'm........................................ not pregnant...............but I AM going to be a Grandma! Like how weird is that? It wasn't very long ago that I was sharing the news that I was prego... as
Tannis would say in a state of Knockedupedness with all my family and friends and now it is my daughter going through the same experience! Wow.... time has a way of creeping in and having the years go by fast.... so now my next question for you all is how about coming up with a name for me? and by that I don't mean a nasty name although I am sure there are times! lol I am not sure about the whole Granny thing or even Grandma for that matter( well maybe by July I will look like a Grandma!) anyways lets come up with a 'cool' name and i will send a R.A.K to the one that is chosen! How does that sound? Anyway for all you ladies that couldn't attend my Fall Festival a great time was had by all.... lots of fun and laughing and great times with friends.... stay tuned for the Spring Thing! I just wanted to post a couple of new layout:

I have kits left for both of these layouts, so let me know if you are interested!For those of you waiting for the class layout for the 29th I am hoping to have it posted by the end of the week! I have been taking a couple of days to hang out and relax so I hope to have it posted right away! Thanks to everyone that made Fall festival so much fun! Talk to you all soon!