Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Guess where I am going......

I know.... put your tongues back in your mouths......hmmmmmmmm lets see what else can i share with you girls today???? Make sure you check out one little word tomorrow for the new word. There are one or two spots in the classes left.... I am hoping to get the schedule done for October in the next couple of days because I am going away next week...... I will be back though tomorrow morning I will let you all know how fantastic Mr. hottie himself was.... Have a great day everyone!



Anonymous said...

Wowzaa's He is HOT. You can post that picture anytime..............I have to wipe my slobber off of my desk now....

Kimberly White said...

YIPPEEEE! So excited for you! Kim

Anonymous said...

Are u serious???

Mika said...

Who is that we dont know him in Holland but he looks great. Mika (www.mikascrap.typepad.com)

Danielle said...

He looks so yummy!!!! Have fun :)