Thank goodness for word up over at OLW because it seems like that is the only time I update my blog! BAD!!!!!! ANyway I know you all don't need to know how busy I am! Sometimes life just happens to get in the way..... It was my turn this time around so I chose the word "living"..... it seemed so appropriate formy life right now..... I feel like I am living the dream, I am where I want to be, where I always hoped I would be..... What does this word mean to you? Go over and check it out, play along with us! There are some great prizes to be won too!

and since I have to post some pics here they are.... This sweet boy will be 7 months old tomorrow! Hard to believe that time just flies.... doesn't stop, and stand still even for a moment!

and this cute boy was home last weekend! Well for a short time... he can't sit still for too long!

and this cute girl is starting to get so excited for Grad..... another thing hard to believe that it is happening already!

Have a beautiful Wednesday everyone!